I mentioned a few days ago that I received a copy of Digital Photography Masterclass as a gift this Christmas. I also noted that in the process of reading more about that book on Amazon, I came across Scott Kelby’s, The Digital Photography Book
. Well, seeing that it was listed as the #1 book in all digital photography categories on Amazon, and #52 of all books sold there, I thought I’d check it out for myself.
During a trip to the bookstore this weekend, I decided to take a grab a copy off the shelf and read through the first 20 pages. Those first few chapters were a very fast read, and I was very pleased with the organization of the book. So I left with my own copy.
This book, and the second volume released this year, is written from a completely different point of view than most other photography books. Right from the beginning, Kelby sets the stage for the book and makes you his virtual shooting buddy. The style that “The Digital Photography Book” is written in consists of a series of related photography tips that Scott offers you as if you and he are out on a photo shoot together. The tips are quick and too the point. No extensive technical background on each camera setting or photography term, saving that for larger books that are already very prevalent.
For 240 pages, it is still a very small book. While not quite pocket-sized, it is easy to carry with you and reference back to when needed. I mentioned above that it’s a very fast read, so I’ll likely finish this first volume by the end of January and look add volume 2 to the list of books I’m taking to Maui in seven weeks. Besides from reading through the first volume in the coming weeks, I’m going to try and find a few projects closer to home to get in some practice before we go on vacation. I’ll post more details on those as I come up with them.